Illustrator, Ricardo Cavolo

Thanks to illustrator, Ricardo Cavolo for pointing us in the direction of his super blog. I love these cityscape illustrations and the idea of drawing them on airmail envelopes.

There are loads of great pieces on the blog, his work is diverse, quirky and always fun. Here are a selection, of my favourites...

Images copyright Ricardo Cavolo.

Nirrimi Joy Hakanson

Can you believe that this great photography is the work of a 15 year old girl??

Well it is. Nirrimi Joy Hakanson is just 15 years old and lives in Townsville, Australia. She describes herself as, 'an amateur photographer', who one day, 'hopes to shoot for the likes of Vogue' and I for one, think she stands a very good chance.

It's so refreshing to see such talent and passion in someone so young. Goodluck Nirrimi, I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.

Images copyright Nirrimi Joy Hakanson.

New York Street Photography

Images copyright Rick Bajornas.

I came across Rick Bajornas photography work today an instantly loved it - I do have a liking for very contrasty images, maybe it's because they look more dramatic. These images are from his collection of New York Street photographs, 2001 -2007, so I thought it would be interesting to post them up alongside the black and white street photography of Helen Levitt, an American photographer born in NY in 1913 ...

Images copyright Helen Levitt.

Levitt devoted her long career, that started in the early 30's, to street photography in NY. She is said to be, 'the most celebrated and least known photographer of her time' even though her work spans almost 70 years. She photographed the people in her neighbourhood and the goings on of everyday life. The above photos are from the 1940's, so it's quite a contrast to look at them next to the Bajornas ones from 60 years earlier - life back then seems a lot less hectic and a lot more carefree than it does these days!

Fashion in the mirror

Norman Parkinson, at Queen, 1962
© Norman Parkinson Archive

Grégoire Alexandre for 1.2.3 catalog, 2003
© Grégoire Alexandre

Vivienne Westwood, Autumn/Winter 2007/2008
© Juergen Teller/ Courtesy Juergen Teller and Lehmann Maupin Gallery

'Fashion in the Mirror: Self-reflection in Fashion Photography' is a great exhibition, on at the Photographers' Gallery until 14 September, that gives a unique insight behind-the-scenes of fashion photography.

The exhibition includes images from internationally renowned photographers, Tim Walker, Juergen Teller, Irving Penn and Mario Testino, as well as from the late Norman Parkinson and Richard Avedon.

The photographers', 'undress the theatre of fashion and question the creation of perfect beauty' by focusing on the 'processes and paraphernalia' involved in a fashion shoot; from trade secrets to studio sets, creating intriguing and witty images.

Images from Photographers' Gallery.


I saw the work of French illustrator Chamo on Illustration Mundo recently and her range of styles really caught my eye; children's bright, cheery and cute characters, retro 50's\60's style designs and also some darker, quite graphic woodblock style images.

Chamo (Charlotte) studied textiles and illustration in Paris, before moving to Berlin to study Visual Communication (which I think is Graphic Design). She is now back in Paris working as an illustrator and designer represented by Illustrissimo.

Images copyright Chamo.

Don Carney: Ink Drawings

Illustrator and co-founder of the great Patch NYC, Don Carney creates these unique images, reminiscent of 40's woodblock prints, by drawing with an ink-filled dropper and smoothing out blotchy lines with a brush. The idea is to lose the, 'control you'd have when drawing,' and to create, 'imperfections normally seen in a woodblock print'.

Each illustration is sold in a vintage frame, found by Carney at flea markets and antique stores, so the finished piece really is a one-of-a-kind. Prices start from $1200 and can be purchased from Jonathan Adler.

Images copyright Don Carney, from Jonathan Adler.

Patrick Caulfield 1936 - 2005

Patrick Caulfield was one of the pioneers of British Pop Art, his work is my favourite from a British artist and I actually bought, 'I've only the friendship of hotel rooms' (top left) to celebrate my 30th birthday!

Caulfield was born in London, in January 1936 but was brought up in Bolton, Lancashire until his family returned to London after WW2. He completed his 3 year national service in the RAF and went on to study at both the Chelsea School of Art and the Royal College of Art, before his first solo exhibition in 1965. Throughout his career he has exhibited his work world-wide, but unbeknown to many he designed sets and costumes for the Royal Ballet's, 'Party Game' and Fredrick Ashton's, 'Rhapsody', both at the Royal Opera House, as well as being commissioned to design the atrium carpet in the British Council offices, Manchester and a giant mosaic for the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff.

His paintings and prints, make me smile, the subject matter is quite often a little piece of everyday life that usually gets overlooked; a crack in the curtains, the edge of a table or the window ledge. They imitate themes of traditional paintings, like the still life, but in a wonderfully colourful, graphic style and the trademark bold outline. Some say his work is more introspective than that of his fellow Pop Artists, but I disagree - to me his work is witty & vibrant, and far more intriguing than his counterparts.

Screen prints from the, 'Some Poems of Jules Laforgue' a book illustrated by Caulfield are available signed and unsigned from the Goldmark Gallery and St Paul's Gallery.

Images copyright Patrick Caulfield.