Cut & Paste: European Photomontage 1920 - 1945, curated by Lutz Becker is now showing at The Estorick Collection until 21 December.
Photomontage, the art of collaging together pieces of photographs with selected newsprint, emerged in the 1920's from Dadaists such as George Grosz and John Heartfield in Berlin and could also be seen in the work of Constructivist artists like El Lissitzky in Moscow. This new technique created illusions and manipulated the space on the page. It was dynamic and had a visual power that "spoke to the masses".
The exhibition is a homage to the manipulation of photographic imagery and modernist photomontage, "a rediscovery of the sources of modern image making, exploring the work of the great predecessors and innovators who created photomontages by physical means with scissors, scalpel and retouching brush".
The Estorick Collection is on Canonbury Square, London N1. It's open til 8pm on a Thursday, as is it's licensed Italian cafe, so there really is no excuse!